Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To Mailing List or Not Mailing List... That is the question Pt. 2

Continuing our series on mailing list we continue with the types of mailing list available.

House Lists: Basically the internal database of a company. Includes: Current customers (their purchases within the last year), former customers, and inquiries/prospects.

House list however must be constantly updated. The reason for this is the USPS (United States Postal Service) forecasts that 14% of the US population moves each year (this tallies up to about 45 million address changes per year). Lastly, significant money is wasted via outdated list. Why would you send your direct mail pieces etc to a list that won’t reach your target?

Response List: These are the “House lists” of other companies and organizations.

The list themselves are comprised of individuals with a specific interest or type of behavior. Past behavior here is a great indicator of future activities and most often used within the consumer marketplace. As a marketer I can more accurately forecast results for future programs using these type of lists.
Some examples of response lists include: Buyer lists, Attendee/Membership/Seminar Lists, and Donor Lists etc.

Compiled Lists: Using a compiled list the advertiser doesn’t know the specific willingness to respond or the buying history of the records, but is confident that they (target market via the list) possess certain defined identifiable traits. These lists are both available for consumer and business prospects.

Where do we Rent Lists?

There are literally thousands of list to choose from… but they are only three key sources to obtain a list.

List Owners: Make the final decision on who gets to rent the list and often utilize a list manager to maintain their lists

List Brokers: Think of these individuals as the middleman in the list acquisition process. They are experts at their craft.

Following a general rule you want to choose a broker based upon either a referral or by their area of expertise.

Compiled List Owners: Straight to the point these owners sell directly to the advertisers.

Monday, January 24, 2011

To Mailing List or Not Mailing List... That is the question

Mailing List

Why use it?

For one, Mailing lists generate new customer generations meaning that existing customer databases that marketers have are most likely not sufficient to maintain all future sales (E.g. List may be outdated due to prospect or consumer moving to a new address etc). Mailing list help target business or consumer prospects and supports a company’s direct mail efforts. In 2009, $44.4 billion was expended into direct mail and the lists are highly profitable for list owners.

Lingo and Terms to know for Mailing list

Rentals: These lists are almost always rented
Record (Listee): The sum of various data elements that together create each name/prospect of your list a.k.a. your target market or prospect

Re-Mail: Advertisers typically only rent list one time only. When they want to use a list more than once that’s when it is called a Re Mail. Also expect an additional fee to use the list again

Seeding (Ringers): Bogus records which list providers utilize to ensure that their rented lists are used in the way that they were contracted for and for the correct number of times. Basically protecting their investments and abuse by the rentee of the list

Nixies: Records which are undeliverable

The Check List in Selecting a Mailing list.

Its always important to keep many factors in mind when you decide to purchase a rental list to use for your marketing campaign. Here are some factors to consider before purchasing a list.

1. List Size
2. CPM
3. Avr Order Size
4. List Traits
5. Data Card
6. List Origination
7. List Usage
8. Selections Available
9. Frequency of Updates

Its very important from a Direct marketing perspective to ask all these questions to the list owner, list broker, or compiled list owner before considering a purchase.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Using Direct Mail pieces for a Marketing Campaign

Today we focus on a couple of Direct Marketing tools and everyone has come into contact at one point or another at their mail boxes.

Why use Postcards?

Postcards are on the of the lowest cost direct mailing tool with just enough room for a very short teaser message and allows a follow up opportunity for a multi part marketing campaign. Using Postcards is a very cost efficient way to drive traffic to your website (this is becoming very important as internet is becoming an important part of the marketing media tactics pie). Postcards also say to the business decision maker that this will be an easy decision and won’t take much time. And lastly postcards can be used for low risk, soft offers in prospecting and reminders for customers. Keeping your product in the evoke set of your potential prospect and your consumers to keep your product in mind.
Breaking down Postcards even further… I will give an example that I used for a Integrated Marketing Campaign I did for AnaTango and what the goals were to be achieved.

Engage the target with a very short message (teaser) E.G. For more information about how you can maximize your business (flip to other side of this card) explains one of the features of Anavation and has website address on the postcard on where to acquire additional information

Postcards sent to follow-up as part of a multi-part campaign
E.G. First Month’s Postcard explains about CRM feature of Anavation, Second month’s Postcard explains about Marketing Campaigns etc.
End Goal: To create a sense of urgency to acquire additional information about Anavation and to visit or

Self Mailers: Self Mailers by themselves are stand alone, one piece mailing pieces. Most often they are used for single product offers, seminars, and lead generations. Self mailers are highly favored in the business to business marketplace. It (the self mailer) combines the teaser copy of an envelop, persuasive power of a letter, information of a brochure, and a call to action of a response device.
Once again here is an example from my past integrated marketing campaign for AnaTango…

Self Mailers
Provide comprehensive information about Anavation for MRO, Healthcare, and Consultant decision maker.
Teaser envelop: Open to learn about how to maximize your business

Personalize letter to the decision maker
• Dear John
• Body (Explains End Benefits)
• Post Script (Reconnect the Benefits)

• Explains Features of Anavation and what it does for your business
• Sometimes the letter is skipped

Response Device
• Website Address, Toll Free Number, and Response Card

Also you will need to factor how long you run your campaign for direct mail pieces such as post cards and self mailers and what your trying to specifically achieve.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

US Advertising Expenditure 2009

As we wait for the results for Advertising expenditures here are the spending costs for 2009... The top spender may surprised you... so without further ado

Who was the biggest US Advertising Expenditure in 2009?

Direct Mail $44.4 Billion

Newspaper: $27 Billion

Broadcast TV: $24.9 Billion

Internet: $21.0 Billion

Magazines: $19.5 Billion

Radio: $9.0 Billion

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Newspapers the Rise and Decline Pt 3

We continue our series on Newspaper with the four sources of Newspapers revenue. We start off with the good…

The Good

National Advertising: $ 4.4 billion in revenue

Retail Advertising: $ 14.2 billion

Classified Advertising: $ 6.2 billion

On-line Advertising: $ 2.7 billion

The Bad:

National Advertising: - 26.2% from 2008

Retail Advertising: - 24.2 % from 2008

Classified Advertising: - 38.1% from 2008

On-line Advertising: -11.8% from 2008

Basically huge amount of advertising revenue is being withdrawn from Newspaper and invested in another ad mediums this is highly concerning for newspapers. Not only are they losing readers but they are losing their main source of revenue.
How is Newspaper fighting back?

1. Newspaper National Network: Makes buying print newspaper in multi (local) markets much easier for national advertisers

2. Print is converging with online: online generated newspapers generated over $2.7 billion in revenue in 2009. Covers 120 papers with websites generating over fifty million unique monthly visitors. Lastly, this consolidates the online media buying process for national advertisers

3. Newspapers are creating more niche editions… Targeted by age, ethnicity, and gender preference.

Newspapers the Rise and Decline Pt 2

There are numerous theories as to why the Newspaper industry has been declining… Here are some of the more popular theories…

1. The Internet… Basically giving away the content for free and competitive websites re-using the free content
2. Complacency toward the readers
3. Newspapers have lost touch with their audience
4. Very Poor economic model: The Advertisement revenues offset low subscriber fees
5. Very Costly overhead and debt
6. Readership habits are changing
7. Illiteracy

A Paradox?

Newspapers garner more than $27 billion in ad revenues is read by over 100 million adults daily and is the heart and soul of local journalism. However, the industry is losing large numbers of readers and is losing a large share of advertisers… One has to wonder is this industry going to the grave?
Who is reading Newspapers? What is the trend?

61% of all Adults read Newspapers

Over 115 million adults read the Sunday newspaper

Over 104 million adults read the Dailies

31% said that they have read a newspaper “yesterday”

62% of readers ages 65+

44% of readers ages 40-64

39% of readers ages 40-49

20% of adults ages 18-24 read print newspapers

31% of adults ages 18-24 don’t follow the news at all… anywhere.

Newspapers still a huge part of the overall Advertising Mix!

Newspapers advertising sales revenue for 2009 were $27 billion. This ranks at #6 among all ad mediums. Being “local” is the core strength of newspapers because its in the community. However, its important to note that Revenue decreased over 20% in 2009 from 2008.

Newspaper the Rise and Decline Pt 1

Today we start with some interesting facts about Newspaper and why they are utilized in Marketing

Why Newspapers?

Simple its because readers are engaged… meaning unlike almost all electronic media, when a person reads a newspaper, that is all they are doing. They aren’t surfing the web, advertisements don’t beep, flash, pop up or interrupt. Newspaper ads don’t interrupt the experience, they are a part of the experience.

Newspapers are seen as the most comprehensible source of news…

Magazine: 7 %
Radio: 12%
Internet: 35%
TV: 36%
Newspaper: 46%

Readers trust Newspaper ads over other media… Consumers are very receptive in their feelings of ads in newspapers. Readers believe ads are more believable and trustworthy.

Internet: 16%
Radio: 18%
TV: 23%
Magazines: 30%
Newspapers: 40%

Lastly Advertising is ranked as one of the top 5 drivers for newspaper readership:

52% of consumers say they utilize newspapers to find local ads
46% say newspapers are their preferred medium to receive advertisement information
52% see newspapers as valuable in planning for shopping
10% of newspaper readers said they wish that advertisements were eliminate

Newspaper are really still trusted because of their locality in geographic location and the fact that it is about news in the City and its about the city specifically. Its this locality of newspapers that gives it its comprehensive source of news advantage over other media forms. Its more specifically targeted to a specific city (target market) rather than a mass target market approach that alot of other media tactics use