Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Newspapers the Rise and Decline Pt 2

There are numerous theories as to why the Newspaper industry has been declining… Here are some of the more popular theories…

1. The Internet… Basically giving away the content for free and competitive websites re-using the free content
2. Complacency toward the readers
3. Newspapers have lost touch with their audience
4. Very Poor economic model: The Advertisement revenues offset low subscriber fees
5. Very Costly overhead and debt
6. Readership habits are changing
7. Illiteracy

A Paradox?

Newspapers garner more than $27 billion in ad revenues is read by over 100 million adults daily and is the heart and soul of local journalism. However, the industry is losing large numbers of readers and is losing a large share of advertisers… One has to wonder is this industry going to the grave?
Who is reading Newspapers? What is the trend?

61% of all Adults read Newspapers

Over 115 million adults read the Sunday newspaper

Over 104 million adults read the Dailies

31% said that they have read a newspaper “yesterday”

62% of readers ages 65+

44% of readers ages 40-64

39% of readers ages 40-49

20% of adults ages 18-24 read print newspapers

31% of adults ages 18-24 don’t follow the news at all… anywhere.

Newspapers still a huge part of the overall Advertising Mix!

Newspapers advertising sales revenue for 2009 were $27 billion. This ranks at #6 among all ad mediums. Being “local” is the core strength of newspapers because its in the community. However, its important to note that Revenue decreased over 20% in 2009 from 2008.

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