Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Using Direct Mail pieces for a Marketing Campaign

Today we focus on a couple of Direct Marketing tools and everyone has come into contact at one point or another at their mail boxes.

Why use Postcards?

Postcards are on the of the lowest cost direct mailing tool with just enough room for a very short teaser message and allows a follow up opportunity for a multi part marketing campaign. Using Postcards is a very cost efficient way to drive traffic to your website (this is becoming very important as internet is becoming an important part of the marketing media tactics pie). Postcards also say to the business decision maker that this will be an easy decision and won’t take much time. And lastly postcards can be used for low risk, soft offers in prospecting and reminders for customers. Keeping your product in the evoke set of your potential prospect and your consumers to keep your product in mind.
Breaking down Postcards even further… I will give an example that I used for a Integrated Marketing Campaign I did for AnaTango and what the goals were to be achieved.

Engage the target with a very short message (teaser) E.G. For more information about how you can maximize your business (flip to other side of this card) explains one of the features of Anavation and has website address on the postcard on where to acquire additional information

Postcards sent to follow-up as part of a multi-part campaign
E.G. First Month’s Postcard explains about CRM feature of Anavation, Second month’s Postcard explains about Marketing Campaigns etc.
End Goal: To create a sense of urgency to acquire additional information about Anavation and to visit or

Self Mailers: Self Mailers by themselves are stand alone, one piece mailing pieces. Most often they are used for single product offers, seminars, and lead generations. Self mailers are highly favored in the business to business marketplace. It (the self mailer) combines the teaser copy of an envelop, persuasive power of a letter, information of a brochure, and a call to action of a response device.
Once again here is an example from my past integrated marketing campaign for AnaTango…

Self Mailers
Provide comprehensive information about Anavation for MRO, Healthcare, and Consultant decision maker.
Teaser envelop: Open to learn about how to maximize your business

Personalize letter to the decision maker
• Dear John
• Body (Explains End Benefits)
• Post Script (Reconnect the Benefits)

• Explains Features of Anavation and what it does for your business
• Sometimes the letter is skipped

Response Device
• Website Address, Toll Free Number, and Response Card

Also you will need to factor how long you run your campaign for direct mail pieces such as post cards and self mailers and what your trying to specifically achieve.

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